Every once in a while we all feel like a looser, Feels as if everything is falling apart and we have lost what we thought we had. There are many factors that influence individuals to think “I feel like a loser”.
I Feel Like A Loser
Factors To Know When You Feel Like A Loser
Now let’s see what we have to realize when we are stuck in such a situation.
You Are Not Alone
The first thing you need to realize is that you are not alone. Yes! If you have failed in some exam or test, or have not got the job you were looking forward to, are unable to make all your wishes come true; then the first feeling we encountered as a person is that ” I feel like a loser”.
Even though at that time this thought is such a natural reaction and all of us would definitely have thought like this but once you are out of that extreme low zone just realize that “You are not alone”.
You feel that all the people around you are gonna think you as if you are the biggest loser and you feel ashamed to face them. You have to realize that your parents are always there for you no matter what.
They have seen you struggling hard for whatever you wanted to get, and now as you have lost it they will be there to give you their shoulder to cry and will tap your shoulder with the hope that you can do it.
Family members are always there for you all you need to do is trust them and to have strong faith in their support with you. There is a chance that everyone may leave you for one failure or another but family is a constant proportion here.

Everyone Suffers In One Way Or Another
If you think that you are the only one suffering and facing such failures in life. then wait. look around. Look at others. Can’t you just identify and realize that everyone literally everyone is facing failure in life in one way or another! It’s all about timing, faith, situation or luck.
But each and every person in the world face failure at least once in a lifetime. No matter how big or small it is. Life is supposed to be like this.
Success and failure go hand in hand. Always remember that every failure is a step forward towards success and every failure teaches you a very valuable lesson.
So never ever feel as if you are a loser because you are not. You are in this process that is taking you towards success. All you need to do is to have patience and faith.
Life Is A Roller Coaster Ride
This is true that life is a Roller coaster ride. One day you are having the best time of your life and the other day it becomes the worst. Life is designed in such a way that it is full of surprises.
No one knows what is going to happen next. So, trust the process and remember that you are going to win one day. If success is not forever then believe this as well that failure is also not forever.

It’s Not Too Late
It’s not too late. Are you 70 already? have you gone old enough that one failure is the end of life for you? Have all the ways out from your trouble have vanished?
Then what’s the worry?
Man, you are not old enough that as you are thinking that all doors are closed for you already. You can still change what is wrong today. You can make things go right.
So you have got the power to work upon your troubles and make them right. Hopelessness is a sin. You are not a loser but the timing is just not right. When the right time will come then everything will fall in the right place.
Not Everything That Shines, Is The Gold
Not every shinning thing is gold. How beautifully it elaborates the hidden realities of life and the world.
Every day we look around us, see people and by pointing at someone we think that how perfect is their life. Just by their apparent behavior, their getup, their style of living, their wealth, etc.
We get so much impressed that we say that “I feel like a loser”. Apparently, they look perfect and think that they are living the best life but we never realize what they are going through in their life when they are alone.

Things To Do When You Feel Like A Loser
Now comes a time to explore the things that you should do when you feel that you are a looser.
Talk To Those Who Are Close To Your Heart
Talk to those who are close to your heart. This is very satisfying and gives you new and positive energy. When you are losing hope and think that I am a loser then at that time the most important thing that you want to happen is to have someone by your side.
Someone who gives you hope, courage and tells you that you are not a loser but just this was not meant for you. Some motivational and encouraging words can have the biggest and most important impact on someone’s life that could change life’s perspective for someone.
So try to be the impact for someone. and If you are in such a situation then go to those you are close to your heart. Because They will stay with you no matter what happens.
Remember And Embrace Your Accomplishments
Always remember and be thankful for the thing that made you happy or satisfied. Remembering these things and keeping your memory clear makes you be grateful in your bad times. Count on your accomplishments.
This will keep you grounded in times of suffering. This mantra should also be used vice versa.
Unwanted Comparison Brings Frustration
Unwanted competition always brings Frustration and keeps a person unsatisfied. Sometimes we become so carried away that we start to compare ourselves or you live with someone who is either far away from our standards, class, lifestyle and brought up.
Or are fictional characters of some film or drama. We knowingly invite such unwanted stress in our life. If we keep ourselves calm and composed and plan everything according to the resources available to us, then life will be easier.
Always leave room for the fact that your plan can fail at any time. So try to be prepared for the worst already.
Set Goals And Be Focused
It’s very important to set goals and then to stick with the plan. We, humans, are easily distracted. We are one day thinking of becoming a doctor the next day we want to be an artist.
When a person sticks his/her leg in a lot of matters and wants to do everything at once then a fall is expected. When you are the jack of all and master of none then surely your hands remain empty.
So try to set goals and avoid all kinds of distractions that can hinder your chances of achieving your goal. Always remember that slow and steady wins the race.

Meditation Is A Good Option
Meditation is not the plate for everyone. We have heard about so many ways through which someone has had mindfulness through meditation or yoga then we think who boring ad tiring this work is.
But this is a very helpful and peaceful practice. A morning walk, yoga or exercise. All these practices play a very vital role in one’s life. So try to make it your habit. This will keeps you away from all the negative energy and thoughts.
When you will feel fresh then this will surely give you peace of mind. And you will not think the way you are thinking right now, All hopeless, Tensed, and disturbed.
Can Be Need For A Therapy
Sometimes it happens that you become so much upset from something that you lose all your hopes and become totally hopeless when it comes to believing in oneself.
All support systems fail to work for them, All other prescribed way outs also fail to work, Then comes a phase where professional help is needed.
A therapy or proper Psychiatric treatment is required. It’s totally fine to seek help or therapy because if the situation is not getting any better then there is no other option but to go for professional help.
There are people who get so disheartened that they try to take their lives as well. We as a third person sometimes fail to understand what someone is going through.
So always, always look around you. Look if your loved ones are in pain or are suffering from something that you don’t know or are in need of some serious treatment or therapy and we are unable to realize that.
Your little alertness can give someone a new ray of hope and life.
Life is not so easy and understanding a human psyche is even more difficult. Always trust the process, trust yourself, have faith.